
class astro_metadata_translator.SdssTranslator(header: Mapping[str, Any], filename: str | None = None)

Bases: FitsTranslator

Metadata translator for SDSS standard headers. NB: calibration data is not handled as calibration frames were not available to me at time of writing.

Attributes Summary


All the valid properties for this translator including extensions.


Module name to use to locate the correction resources.


Default resource path root to use to locate header correction files.


Default search path to use to locate header correction files.



Extension properties (str: PropertyDefinition)


Name of this translation class


Supports the SDSS imager instrument.


All registered metadata translation classes.

Methods Summary


Are the supplied keys all present and defined?.

can_translate(header[, filename])

Indicate whether this translation class can translate the supplied header.

can_translate_with_options(header, options)

Determine if a header can be translated with different criteria.


Cards used during metadata extraction.


Report if the specified class attribute is defined specifically in this class.

determine_translatable_headers(filename[, ...])

Given a file return all the headers usable for metadata translation.

determine_translator(header[, filename])

Determine a translation class by examining the header.

fix_header(header, instrument, obsid[, filename])

Apply global fixes to a supplied header.


Return True if the value associated with the named keyword is present in this header and defined.

is_keyword_defined(header, keyword)

Return True if the value associated with the named keyword is present in the supplied header and defined.


Return the YYYYMMDD integer corresponding to the observing day.


Calculate the observing day offset to apply for a given observation.

quantity_from_card(keywords, unit[, ...])

Calculate a Astropy Quantity from a header card and a unit.


Return package resource to use to locate correction resources within an installed package.


Search paths to use when searching for header fix up correction files.


Return value of altaz_begin from headers.


Return value of boresight_airmass from headers.


Angle of the instrument in boresight_rotation_coord frame.


Coordinate frame of the instrument rotation angle (options: sky, unknown).


Return whether the observation can see the sky or not.


Duration of the exposure with shutter closed (seconds).


Calculate start time of observation.


Calculate end time of observation.


Return value of detector_exposure_id from headers.


Return value of detector_group from headers.


Name of the detector within the instrument (might not be unique if there are detector groups).


Return value of detector_num from headers.


Serial number/string associated with this detector.


Return a unique name for the detector.


Return the group label associated with this exposure.


Unique (with instrument) integer identifier for this observation.


Duration of the exposure with shutter open (seconds).


Return a default defocal distance of 0.0 mm if there is no keyword for defocal distance in the header.


Return the observation counter of the observation that ends this group.


Return the observation counter of the observation that began this group.


Return a boolean indicating whether any part of the observation was simulated.


The instrument used to observe the exposure.


Calculate the observatory location.


Object of interest or field name.


Return an integer corresponding to how this observation relates to other observations.


Calculate the observation ID.


Return the reason this observation was taken.


Calculate the observation type.


Return the YYYYMMDD integer corresponding to the observing day.


Return the offset required to calculate observing day.


The bandpass filter used for this observation.


Atmospheric pressure outside the dome.


Relative humidity outside the dome.


Observing program (survey or proposal) identifier.


Full name of the telescope.


Temperature outside the dome.


Return value of tracking_radec from headers.


ID of the Visit this Exposure is associated with.


Return the version string for this translator class.

validate_value(value, default[, minimum, ...])

Validate the supplied value, returning a new value if out of range.

Attributes Documentation

all_properties: dict[str, PropertyDefinition] = {'altaz_begin': PropertyDefinition(doc='Telescope boresight azimuth and elevation at start of observation.', str_type='astropy.coordinates.AltAz', py_type=<class 'astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames.altaz.AltAz'>, to_simple=<function altaz_to_simple>, from_simple=<function simple_to_altaz>), 'boresight_airmass': PropertyDefinition(doc='Airmass of the boresight of the telescope.', str_type='float', py_type=<class 'float'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'boresight_rotation_angle': PropertyDefinition(doc='Angle of the instrument in boresight_rotation_coord frame.', str_type='astropy.coordinates.Angle', py_type=<class 'astropy.coordinates.angles.core.Angle'>, to_simple=<function angle_to_simple>, from_simple=<function simple_to_angle>), 'boresight_rotation_coord': PropertyDefinition(doc='Coordinate frame of the instrument rotation angle (options: sky, unknown).', str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'can_see_sky': PropertyDefinition(doc='True if the observation is looking at sky, False if it is definitely not looking at the sky. None indicates that it is not known whether sky could be seen.', str_type='bool', py_type=<class 'bool'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'dark_time': PropertyDefinition(doc='Duration of the exposure with shutter closed (seconds).', str_type='astropy.units.Quantity', py_type=<class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>, to_simple=<function exptime_to_simple>, from_simple=<function simple_to_exptime>), 'datetime_begin': PropertyDefinition(doc='Time of the start of the observation.', str_type='astropy.time.Time', py_type=<class 'astropy.time.core.Time'>, to_simple=<function datetime_to_simple>, from_simple=<function simple_to_datetime>), 'datetime_end': PropertyDefinition(doc='Time of the end of the observation.', str_type='astropy.time.Time', py_type=<class 'astropy.time.core.Time'>, to_simple=<function datetime_to_simple>, from_simple=<function simple_to_datetime>), 'detector_exposure_id': PropertyDefinition(doc='Unique integer identifier for this detector in this exposure.', str_type='int', py_type=<class 'int'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'detector_group': PropertyDefinition(doc='Collection name of which this detector is a part. Can be None if there are no detector groupings.', str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'detector_name': PropertyDefinition(doc='Name of the detector within the instrument (might not be unique if there are detector groups).', str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'detector_num': PropertyDefinition(doc='Unique (for instrument) integer identifier for the sensor.', str_type='int', py_type=<class 'int'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'detector_serial': PropertyDefinition(doc='Serial number/string associated with this detector.', str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'detector_unique_name': PropertyDefinition(doc='Unique name of the detector within the focal plane, generally combining detector_group with detector_name.', str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'exposure_group': PropertyDefinition(doc="Label to use to associate this exposure with others (can be related to 'exposure_id').", str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'exposure_id': PropertyDefinition(doc='Unique (with instrument) integer identifier for this observation.', str_type='int', py_type=<class 'int'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'exposure_time': PropertyDefinition(doc='Duration of the exposure with shutter open (seconds).', str_type='astropy.units.Quantity', py_type=<class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>, to_simple=<function exptime_to_simple>, from_simple=<function simple_to_exptime>), 'focus_z': PropertyDefinition(doc='Defocal distance.', str_type='astropy.units.Quantity', py_type=<class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>, to_simple=<function focusz_to_simple>, from_simple=<function simple_to_focusz>), 'group_counter_end': PropertyDefinition(doc='Observation counter for the end of the exposure group. Depending on the instrument the relevant group may be visit_id or exposure_group.', str_type='int', py_type=<class 'int'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'group_counter_start': PropertyDefinition(doc='Observation counter for the start of the exposure group.Depending on the instrument the relevant group may be visit_id or exposure_group.', str_type='int', py_type=<class 'int'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'has_simulated_content': PropertyDefinition(doc='Boolean indicating whether any part of this observation was simulated.', str_type='bool', py_type=<class 'bool'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'instrument': PropertyDefinition(doc='The instrument used to observe the exposure.', str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'location': PropertyDefinition(doc='Location of the observatory.', str_type='astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation', py_type=<class ''>, to_simple=<function earthlocation_to_simple>, from_simple=<function simple_to_earthlocation>), 'object': PropertyDefinition(doc='Object of interest or field name.', str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'observation_counter': PropertyDefinition(doc='Counter of this observation. Can be counter within observing_day or a global counter. Likely to be observatory specific.', str_type='int', py_type=<class 'int'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'observation_id': PropertyDefinition(doc="Label uniquely identifying this observation (can be related to 'exposure_id').", str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'observation_reason': PropertyDefinition(doc="Reason this observation was taken, or its purpose ('science' and 'calibration' are common values)", str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'observation_type': PropertyDefinition(doc='Type of observation (currently: science, dark, flat, bias, focus).', str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'observing_day': PropertyDefinition(doc='Integer in YYYYMMDD format corresponding to the day of observation.', str_type='int', py_type=<class 'int'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'observing_day_offset': PropertyDefinition(doc='Offset to subtract from an observation date when calculating the observing day. Conversely, the offset to add to an observing day when calculating the time span of a day.', str_type='astropy.time.TimeDelta', py_type=<class 'astropy.time.core.TimeDelta'>, to_simple=<function timedelta_to_simple>, from_simple=<function simple_to_timedelta>), 'physical_filter': PropertyDefinition(doc='The bandpass filter used for this observation.', str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'pressure': PropertyDefinition(doc='Atmospheric pressure outside the dome.', str_type='astropy.units.Quantity', py_type=<class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>, to_simple=<function pressure_to_simple>, from_simple=<function simple_to_pressure>), 'relative_humidity': PropertyDefinition(doc='Relative humidity outside the dome.', str_type='float', py_type=<class 'float'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'science_program': PropertyDefinition(doc='Observing program (survey or proposal) identifier.', str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'telescope': PropertyDefinition(doc='Full name of the telescope.', str_type='str', py_type=<class 'str'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None), 'temperature': PropertyDefinition(doc='Temperature outside the dome.', str_type='astropy.units.Quantity', py_type=<class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>, to_simple=<function temperature_to_simple>, from_simple=<function simple_to_temperature>), 'tracking_radec': PropertyDefinition(doc='Requested RA/Dec to track.', str_type='astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord', py_type=<class 'astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate.SkyCoord'>, to_simple=<function skycoord_to_simple>, from_simple=<function simple_to_skycoord>), 'visit_id': PropertyDefinition(doc='ID of the Visit this Exposure is associated with.\n\nScience observations should essentially always be\nassociated with a visit, but calibration observations\nmay not be.', str_type='int', py_type=<class 'int'>, to_simple=None, from_simple=None)}

All the valid properties for this translator including extensions.

default_resource_package = 'astro_metadata_translator'

Module name to use to locate the correction resources.

default_resource_root: str | None = 'corrections/SDSS'

Default resource path root to use to locate header correction files.

default_search_path: Sequence[str] | None = None

Default search path to use to locate header correction files.

detector_name_id_map = {'g1': 0, 'g2': 5, 'g3': 10, 'g4': 15, 'g5': 20, 'g6': 25, 'i1': 3, 'i2': 8, 'i3': 13, 'i4': 18, 'i5': 23, 'i6': 28, 'r1': 4, 'r2': 9, 'r3': 14, 'r4': 19, 'r5': 24, 'r6': 29, 'u1': 2, 'u2': 7, 'u3': 12, 'u4': 17, 'u5': 22, 'u6': 27, 'z1': 1, 'z2': 6, 'z3': 11, 'z4': 16, 'z5': 21, 'z6': 26}
extensions: dict[str, PropertyDefinition] = {}

Extension properties (str: PropertyDefinition)

Some instruments have important properties beyond the standard set; this is the place to declare that they exist, and they will be treated in the same way as the standard set, except that their names will everywhere be prefixed with ext_.

Each property is indexed by name (str), with a corresponding PropertyDefinition.

name: str | None = 'SDSS'

Name of this translation class

supported_instrument: str | None = 'Imager'

Supports the SDSS imager instrument.

translators: dict[str, type[MetadataTranslator]] = {'DECam': <class 'astro_metadata_translator.translators.decam.DecamTranslator'>, 'HSC': <class 'astro_metadata_translator.translators.hsc.HscTranslator'>, 'MegaPrime': <class 'astro_metadata_translator.translators.megaprime.MegaPrimeTranslator'>, 'SDSS': <class 'astro_metadata_translator.translators.sdss.SdssTranslator'>, 'SuprimeCam': <class 'astro_metadata_translator.translators.suprimecam.SuprimeCamTranslator'>}

All registered metadata translation classes.

Methods Documentation

are_keys_ok(keywords: Iterable[str]) bool

Are the supplied keys all present and defined?.

keywordsiterable of str

Keywords to test.


True if all supplied keys are present and defined.

classmethod can_translate(header: Mapping[str, Any], filename: str | None = None) bool

Indicate whether this translation class can translate the supplied header.


Header to convert to standardized form.

filenamestr, optional

Name of file being translated.


True if the header is recognized by this class. False otherwise.

classmethod can_translate_with_options(header: Mapping[str, Any], options: dict[str, Any], filename: str | None = None) bool

Determine if a header can be translated with different criteria.


Header to convert to standardized form.


Headers to try to determine whether this header can be translated by this class. If a card is found it will be compared with the expected value and will return that comparison. Each card will be tried in turn until one is found.

filenamestr, optional

Name of file being translated.


True if the header is recognized by this class. False otherwise.


Intended to be used from within can_translate implementations for specific translators. Is not intended to be called directly from determine_translator.

cards_used() frozenset[str]

Cards used during metadata extraction.

usedfrozenset of str

Cards used when extracting metadata.

classmethod defined_in_this_class(name: str) bool | None

Report if the specified class attribute is defined specifically in this class.


Name of the attribute to test.


True if there is a attribute of that name defined in this specific subclass. False if the method is not defined in this specific subclass but is defined in a parent class. Returns None if the attribute is not defined anywhere in the class hierarchy (which can happen if translators have typos in their mapping tables).


Retrieves the attribute associated with the given name. Then looks in all the parent classes to determine whether that attribute comes from a parent class or from the current class. Attributes are compared using id().

classmethod determine_translatable_headers(filename: str, primary: MutableMapping[str, Any] | None = None) Iterator[MutableMapping[str, Any]]

Given a file return all the headers usable for metadata translation.

This method can optionally be given a header from the file. This header will generally be the primary header or a merge of the first two headers.

In the base class implementation it is assumed that this supplied header is the only useful header for metadata translation and it will be returned unchanged if given. This can avoid unnecessarily re-opening the file and re-reading the header when the content is already known.

If no header is supplied, a header will be read from the supplied file using read_basic_metadata_from_file, allowing it to merge the primary and secondary header of a multi-extension FITS file. Subclasses can read the header from the data file using whatever technique is best for that instrument.

Subclasses can return multiple headers and ignore the externally supplied header. They can also merge it with another header and return a new derived header if that is required by the particular data file. There is no requirement for the supplied header to be used.


Path to a file in a format understood by this translator.

primarydict-like, optional

The primary header obtained by the caller. This is sometimes already known, for example if a system is trying to bootstrap without already knowing what data is in the file. For many instruments where the primary header is the only relevant header, the primary header will be returned with no further action.

headersiterator of dict-like

A header usable for metadata translation. For this base implementation it will be either the supplied primary header or a header read from the file. This implementation will only ever yield a single header.


Each translator class can have code specifically tailored to its own file format. It is important not to call this method with an incorrect translator class. The normal paradigm is for the caller to have read the first header and then called determine_translator() on the result to work out which translator class to then call to obtain the real headers to be used for translation.

classmethod determine_translator(header: Mapping[str, Any], filename: str | None = None) type[astro_metadata_translator.translator.MetadataTranslator]

Determine a translation class by examining the header.


Representation of a header.

filenamestr, optional

Name of file being translated.


Translation class that knows how to extract metadata from the supplied header.


None of the registered translation classes understood the supplied header.

classmethod fix_header(header: MutableMapping[str, Any], instrument: str, obsid: str, filename: str | None = None) bool

Apply global fixes to a supplied header.


The header to correct. Correction is in place.


The name of the instrument.


Unique observation identifier associated with this header. Will always be provided.

filenamestr, optional

Filename associated with this header. May not be set since headers can be fixed independently of any filename being known.


True if a correction was applied.


This method is intended to support major discrepancies in headers such as:

  • Periods of time where headers are known to be incorrect in some way that can be fixed either by deriving the correct value from the existing value or understanding the that correction is static for the given time. This requires that the date header is known.

  • The presence of a certain value is always wrong and should be corrected with a new static value regardless of date.

It is assumed that one off problems with headers have been applied before this method is called using the per-obsid correction system.

Usually called from astro_metadata_translator.fix_header.

For log messages, do not assume that the filename will be present. Always write log messages to fall back on using the obsid if filename is None.

is_key_ok(keyword: str | None) bool

Return True if the value associated with the named keyword is present in this header and defined.


Keyword to check against header.


True if the header is present and not-None. False otherwise.

static is_keyword_defined(header: Mapping[str, Any], keyword: str | None) bool

Return True if the value associated with the named keyword is present in the supplied header and defined.


Header to use as reference.


Keyword to check against header.


True if the header is present and not-None. False otherwise.

classmethod observing_date_to_observing_day(observing_date: Time, offset: TimeDelta | int | None) int

Return the YYYYMMDD integer corresponding to the observing day.

The offset is subtracted from the time of observation before calculating the year, month and day.


The observation date.

offsetastropy.time.TimeDelta | numbers.Real | None

The offset to subtract from the observing date when calculating the observing day. If a plain number is given it is taken to be in units of seconds. If None no offset is applied.


The observing day as an integer of form YYYYMMDD.


For example, if the offset is +12 hours both 2023-07-06T13:00 and 2023-07-07T11:00 will return an observing day of 20230706 because the observing day goes from 2023-07-06T12:00 to 2023-07-07T12:00.

classmethod observing_date_to_offset(observing_date: Time) TimeDelta | None

Calculate the observing day offset to apply for a given observation.

In some cases the definition of the observing day offset has changed during the lifetime of the instrument. For example lab data might have a different offset to that when the instrument is on the telescope.


The observation date.

offsetastropy.time.TimeDelta or None

The offset to apply when calculating the observing day for a specific time of observation. None implies the offset is not known for that date.

quantity_from_card(keywords: str | Sequence[str], unit: Unit, default: float | None = None, minimum: float | None = None, maximum: float | None = None, checker: Callable | None = None) Quantity

Calculate a Astropy Quantity from a header card and a unit.

keywordsstr or list of str

Keyword to use from header. If a list each keyword will be tried in turn until one matches.


Unit of the item in the header.

defaultfloat, optional

Default value to use if the header value is invalid. Assumed to be in the same units as the value expected in the header. If None, no default value is used.

minimumfloat, optional

Minimum possible valid value, optional. If the calculated value is below this value, the default value will be used.

maximumfloat, optional

Maximum possible valid value, optional. If the calculated value is above this value, the default value will be used.

checkerCallable, optional

Callback function to be used by the translator method in case the keyword is not present. Function will be executed as if it is a method of the translator class. Running without raising an exception will allow the default to be used. Should usually raise KeyError.


Quantity representing the header value.


The supplied header key is not present.

resource_root() tuple[str | None, str | None]

Return package resource to use to locate correction resources within an installed package.


Package resource name. None if no package resource are to be used.


The name of the resource root. None if no package resources are to be used.

search_paths() list[str]

Search paths to use when searching for header fix up correction files.


Directory paths to search. Can be an empty list if no special directories are defined.


Uses the classes default_search_path property if defined.

to_altaz_begin() Any

Return value of altaz_begin from headers.

Telescope boresight azimuth and elevation at start of observation.


The translated property.

to_boresight_airmass() Any

Return value of boresight_airmass from headers.

Airmass of the boresight of the telescope.


The translated property.

to_boresight_rotation_angle() Any

Angle of the instrument in boresight_rotation_coord frame.


Translated property.

to_boresight_rotation_coord() Any

Coordinate frame of the instrument rotation angle (options: sky, unknown).


Translated property.

to_can_see_sky() Any

Return whether the observation can see the sky or not.

can_see_skybool or None

True if the detector is receiving photons from the sky. False if the sky is not visible to the detector. None if the metadata translator does not know one way or the other.


The base class translator uses a simple heuristic of returning True if the observation type is “science” or “object” and False if the observation type is “bias” or “dark”. For all other cases it will return None.

to_dark_time() Any

Duration of the exposure with shutter closed (seconds).


Translated property.

to_datetime_begin() Any

Calculate start time of observation.

Uses FITS standard MJD-BEG or DATE-BEG, in conjunction with the TIMESYS header. Will fallback to using MJD-OBS or DATE-OBS if the -BEG variants are not found.

start_timeastropy.time.Time or None

Time corresponding to the start of the observation. Returns None if no date can be found.

to_datetime_end() Any

Calculate end time of observation.

Uses FITS standard MJD-END or DATE-END, in conjunction with the TIMESYS header.


Time corresponding to the end of the observation.

to_detector_exposure_id() Any

Return value of detector_exposure_id from headers.

Unique integer identifier for this detector in this exposure.


The translated property.

to_detector_group() Any

Return value of detector_group from headers.

Collection name of which this detector is a part. Can be None if there are no detector groupings.


The translated property.

to_detector_name() Any

Name of the detector within the instrument (might not be unique if there are detector groups).


Translated value derived from the header.

to_detector_num() Any

Return value of detector_num from headers.

Unique (for instrument) integer identifier for the sensor.


The translated property.

to_detector_serial() Any

Serial number/string associated with this detector.


Translated property.

to_detector_unique_name() Any

Return a unique name for the detector.

Base class implementation attempts to combine detector_name with detector_group. Group is only used if not None.

Can be over-ridden by specialist translator class.


detector_group``_``detector_name if detector_group is defined, else the detector_name is assumed to be unique. If neither return a valid value an exception is raised.


Raised if neither detector_name nor detector_group is defined.

to_exposure_group() Any

Return the group label associated with this exposure.

Base class implementation returns the exposure_id in string form. A subclass may do something different.


The exposure_id converted to a string.

to_exposure_id() Any

Unique (with instrument) integer identifier for this observation.


Translated value derived from the header.

to_exposure_time() Any

Duration of the exposure with shutter open (seconds).


Translated value derived from the header.

to_focus_z() Any

Return a default defocal distance of 0.0 mm if there is no keyword for defocal distance in the header. The default keyword for defocal distance is FOCUSZ.

focus_z: astropy.units.Quantity

The defocal distance from header or the 0.0mm default.

to_group_counter_end() Any

Return the observation counter of the observation that ends this group.

The definition of the relevant group is up to the metadata translator. It can be the last observation in the exposure_group or the last observation in the visit, but must be derivable from the metadata of this observation. It is of course possible that the last observation in the group does not exist if a sequence of observations was not completed.


The observation counter for the end of the relevant group. Default implementation always returns the observation counter of this observation.

to_group_counter_start() Any

Return the observation counter of the observation that began this group.

The definition of the relevant group is up to the metadata translator. It can be the first observation in the exposure_group or the first observation in the visit, but must be derivable from the metadata of this observation.


The observation counter for the start of the relevant group. Default implementation always returns the observation counter of this observation.

to_has_simulated_content() Any

Return a boolean indicating whether any part of the observation was simulated.


True if this exposure has simulated content. This can be if some parts of the metadata or data were simulated. Default implementation always returns False.

to_instrument() Any

The instrument used to observe the exposure.


Translated property.

to_location() Any

Calculate the observatory location.


An object representing the location of the telescope.

to_object() Any

Object of interest or field name.


Translated value derived from the header.

to_observation_counter() Any

Return an integer corresponding to how this observation relates to other observations.

Base class implementation returns 0 to indicate that it is not known how an observatory will define a counter. Some observatories may not use the concept, others may use a counter that increases for every observation taken for that instrument, and others may define it to be a counter within an observing day.


The observation counter. Always 0 for this implementation.

to_observation_id() Any

Calculate the observation ID.


A string uniquely describing the observation. This incorporates the run, camcol, filter and frame.

to_observation_reason() Any

Return the reason this observation was taken.

Base class implementation returns the science if the observation_type is science, else unknown. A subclass may do something different.


The reason for this observation.

to_observation_type() Any

Calculate the observation type.


Observation type. Normalized to standard set.

to_observing_day() Any

Return the YYYYMMDD integer corresponding to the observing day.

Base class implementation uses the TAI date of the start of the observation corrected by the observing day offset. If that offset is None no offset will be applied.

The offset is subtracted from the time of observation before calculating the year, month and day.


The observing day as an integer of form YYYYMMDD. If the header is broken and is unable to obtain a date of observation, 0 is returned and the assumption is made that the problem will be caught elsewhere.


For example, if the offset is +12 hours both 2023-07-06T13:00 and 2023-07-07T11:00 will return an observing day of 20230706 because the observing day goes from 2023-07-06T12:00 to 2023-07-07T12:00.

to_observing_day_offset() Any

Return the offset required to calculate observing day.

Base class implementation returns None.

offsetastropy.time.TimeDelta or None

The offset to apply. Returns None if the offset is not defined.


This offset must be subtracted from a time of observation to calculate the observing day. This offset must be added to the YYYYMMDDT00:00 observing day to calculate the time span coverage of the observing day.

to_physical_filter() Any

The bandpass filter used for this observation.


Translated value derived from the header.

to_pressure() Any

Atmospheric pressure outside the dome.


Translated property.

to_relative_humidity() Any

Relative humidity outside the dome.


Translated property.

to_science_program() Any

Observing program (survey or proposal) identifier.


Translated value derived from the header.

to_telescope() Any

Full name of the telescope.


Translated property.

to_temperature() Any

Temperature outside the dome.


Translated property.

to_tracking_radec() Any

Return value of tracking_radec from headers.

Requested RA/Dec to track.


The translated property.

to_visit_id() Any

ID of the Visit this Exposure is associated with.

Science observations should essentially always be associated with a visit, but calibration observations may not be.


Translated value derived from the header.

classmethod translator_version() str

Return the version string for this translator class.


String identifying the version of this translator.


Assumes that the version is available from the __version__ variable in the parent module. If this is not the case a translator should subclass this method.

static validate_value(value: float, default: float, minimum: float | None = None, maximum: float | None = None) float

Validate the supplied value, returning a new value if out of range.


Value to be validated.


Default value to use if supplied value is invalid or out of range. Assumed to be in the same units as the value expected in the header.


Minimum possible valid value, optional. If the calculated value is below this value, the default value will be used.


Maximum possible valid value, optional. If the calculated value is above this value, the default value will be used.


Either the supplied value, or a default value.